Monday, January 26, 2009

Data Evaluation, Averages & Applications

Ew. College math sucks balls. When will I need to calculate net shipment weight??? Well...knowing TLG... Somehow I will.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Phoneeee

Guess who got a crackbery curve 8830? Me! BAM!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Coming up even sooner - snapshots of my life - photos as a prelude to CAS Diaries

Join the quest for the truth today. Send an email to and leave a message letting me know who you are and that you want to join the search. Let everyone know. Spread the word.

You will promptly (or as soon as I can get back to you) recieve a reply with either a thank you or further instruction.

Thank you,

Cleo Shermen and Orpheus Moon

Bio on O.

Orpheus Moon, my brother from another mother - lol. Tech genius, frickin' egghead. No one except me knows his real name. Well, probably certain government members...maybe a few people. He'll pretty much fry my hard drives if I tell anyone.

We're gonna pow wow soon with a late night Wendy's X Files marathon - wanna join? :P

The CAS Diaries

Coming soon to a website near you, The CAS Diaries; my own personal show of my search for the truth.

Starring me, myself and I. And my best friend Orpheus Moon. Fun times, fun times.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Fox William Mulder ... Wow ... You're One of a Kind.

"Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! Can you dig it? They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother ... Shut your mouth! Talkin' 'bout Shaft!"

...oh dear. I love you.


EBE - Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

The truth behind the island. Dharma Initiative. Alien/human hybrids. Alien/animal hybrids. The incident - they came to earth to get their 'family' back - to collect their products, etc. Don't screw with the EBEs.

EBEs are the secret of the island. Gotta be. No matter how paranoid you are you're not paranoid enough. -S. Modeski


Manus Celer Dei

Memento mori, nec mortem effugere quisquam nec amorem potest.

Puisque je ne pourrais pas m'arrêter pour la mort, Il s'est arrêté avec bonté pour moi ;
Le chariot tenu mais juste nous-mêmes Et immortalité.
Nous avons lentement conduit, il n'avons su aucune rapidité,
Et j'avais mis loin Mon travail, et mes loisirs aussi, Pour sa civilité.
Nous avons passé l'école, où les enfants ont tâché à la cavité, dans l'anneau ;
Nous avons passé les champs de regarder le grain fixement, Nous avons passé le soleil d'arrangement. Ou plutôt, il nous a passés ;
Mouille s'est développé trembler et froid, Pour seulement la gaze ma robe, Mon tippet seulement Tulle.
Nous avons fait une pause devant une maison qui a semblé Un gonflement de la terre;
Le toit n'était à peine évident, La corniche mais un monticule. Depuis lors';
les siècles de tis, mais chacun se sent plus court que le jour J'ai conjecturé la première fois le horses';
les têtes étaient vers l'éternité.


A word from the wise: co-ordinates are only useful if you're using the right map. If you take time to process the fact that time alters location, then it's not only a map of where, but when.

Consider the W's.
Who (wants you to find the island/who doesn't)?
What (are you looking for)?
When (is the island)?
Where (is the island)?
Why (did the island get 'created')?
and lastly HOW was it moved??? HOW is it invisible??? HOW CAN NO ONE FIND IT???

Government conspiracies out the WAZOO that's how. Frickin' government. Who the heck are they anyways? We're just born into it and accept it. That's what I call brainwashing.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Memento Mori

Harold 122 131 166 178 201

Monday, November 24, 2008


We keep downsizing this HQ, lol - the more stuff we get the smaller our space is. I'm squished between tape decks, PCs, heaters and rat cages. I think I'm going to die of the plague if the gov doesn't get us first.

Life is interesting with these guys, that's for sure. Being 18 and independent is an interesting experience. Welcome to my life. Downsizing space a million random things at a time. More junk, less space, more junk, less space...

Anyways - moving on - Frommer is on crack, hahaha, he's always travelling somewhere. I think he thinks if he stays in one place too long he'll get shot. Hmm.

Love you people.
Keep your pants on and watch FOUND in February.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Life is an X File.

Yeah, so I totally love X Files. I'm pretty sure my life is one permanent X File. Anyways - just thought I would drop in and state the probably already obvious facts of life.

Cleo Shermen = X File ep waiting to happen. (Yeah I only wish)

Now that I've been introduced to this show though, I can't get enough of it. I'm already on Season 4 and I started about two weeks ago. LOL how sad is that.

I'm watching Sanguinarium right now. Ooh creepy.

