Saturday, November 29, 2008


Coming up even sooner - snapshots of my life - photos as a prelude to CAS Diaries

Join the quest for the truth today. Send an email to and leave a message letting me know who you are and that you want to join the search. Let everyone know. Spread the word.

You will promptly (or as soon as I can get back to you) recieve a reply with either a thank you or further instruction.

Thank you,

Cleo Shermen and Orpheus Moon

Bio on O.

Orpheus Moon, my brother from another mother - lol. Tech genius, frickin' egghead. No one except me knows his real name. Well, probably certain government members...maybe a few people. He'll pretty much fry my hard drives if I tell anyone.

We're gonna pow wow soon with a late night Wendy's X Files marathon - wanna join? :P

The CAS Diaries

Coming soon to a website near you, The CAS Diaries; my own personal show of my search for the truth.

Starring me, myself and I. And my best friend Orpheus Moon. Fun times, fun times.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Fox William Mulder ... Wow ... You're One of a Kind.

"Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! Can you dig it? They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother ... Shut your mouth! Talkin' 'bout Shaft!"

...oh dear. I love you.


EBE - Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

The truth behind the island. Dharma Initiative. Alien/human hybrids. Alien/animal hybrids. The incident - they came to earth to get their 'family' back - to collect their products, etc. Don't screw with the EBEs.

EBEs are the secret of the island. Gotta be. No matter how paranoid you are you're not paranoid enough. -S. Modeski


Manus Celer Dei

Memento mori, nec mortem effugere quisquam nec amorem potest.

Puisque je ne pourrais pas m'arrêter pour la mort, Il s'est arrêté avec bonté pour moi ;
Le chariot tenu mais juste nous-mêmes Et immortalité.
Nous avons lentement conduit, il n'avons su aucune rapidité,
Et j'avais mis loin Mon travail, et mes loisirs aussi, Pour sa civilité.
Nous avons passé l'école, où les enfants ont tâché à la cavité, dans l'anneau ;
Nous avons passé les champs de regarder le grain fixement, Nous avons passé le soleil d'arrangement. Ou plutôt, il nous a passés ;
Mouille s'est développé trembler et froid, Pour seulement la gaze ma robe, Mon tippet seulement Tulle.
Nous avons fait une pause devant une maison qui a semblé Un gonflement de la terre;
Le toit n'était à peine évident, La corniche mais un monticule. Depuis lors';
les siècles de tis, mais chacun se sent plus court que le jour J'ai conjecturé la première fois le horses';
les têtes étaient vers l'éternité.


A word from the wise: co-ordinates are only useful if you're using the right map. If you take time to process the fact that time alters location, then it's not only a map of where, but when.

Consider the W's.
Who (wants you to find the island/who doesn't)?
What (are you looking for)?
When (is the island)?
Where (is the island)?
Why (did the island get 'created')?
and lastly HOW was it moved??? HOW is it invisible??? HOW CAN NO ONE FIND IT???

Government conspiracies out the WAZOO that's how. Frickin' government. Who the heck are they anyways? We're just born into it and accept it. That's what I call brainwashing.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Memento Mori

Harold 122 131 166 178 201

Monday, November 24, 2008


We keep downsizing this HQ, lol - the more stuff we get the smaller our space is. I'm squished between tape decks, PCs, heaters and rat cages. I think I'm going to die of the plague if the gov doesn't get us first.

Life is interesting with these guys, that's for sure. Being 18 and independent is an interesting experience. Welcome to my life. Downsizing space a million random things at a time. More junk, less space, more junk, less space...

Anyways - moving on - Frommer is on crack, hahaha, he's always travelling somewhere. I think he thinks if he stays in one place too long he'll get shot. Hmm.

Love you people.
Keep your pants on and watch FOUND in February.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Life is an X File.

Yeah, so I totally love X Files. I'm pretty sure my life is one permanent X File. Anyways - just thought I would drop in and state the probably already obvious facts of life.

Cleo Shermen = X File ep waiting to happen. (Yeah I only wish)

Now that I've been introduced to this show though, I can't get enough of it. I'm already on Season 4 and I started about two weeks ago. LOL how sad is that.

I'm watching Sanguinarium right now. Ooh creepy.



Friday, November 21, 2008

Bored over Everything and Stressed by Nothing

I'm suffering from acute boredom at the moment. I have to work and clean and do fifty things - but in reality I have, like, nothing to do. Ugh. Why is my brain on crack?

I need a life. I'm just stressing over nothing. Literally. Anyways - I'm just going to take a breath or two and do something. How do you solve a problem like being stressed by nothing????

I'm at a loss. This is just so annoying. I would really love to just DO something. I'm stuck in a room all flippin day. I can't go out, I just end up cleaning and working and watching a screen. Sounds like mind control brainwashing when I put it that way. That explains a lot.

Sleep. Eat. Watch screen. Clean. Work. Repeat.

Life is stupid. I need to switch it up. Also - back to the friends thing - I'm such a drag, I don't know why I'm so un-fun. People my age laugh like crazy hyena people at one AM and I'm like...I just want to a relatively normal decibel without being labeled a loser.

It just makes me so sad that I'm stuck right now. In such a big rut that I feel like this month will last forever.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

F*CK A$$E$. Sorry...I'm an angry child at the moment.

People my age are so stupid, young and immature. Why don't the get that I don't want to go out? I have a job. I'm not really into the whole "go get drunk, hung over and barf" scene. I mean, yeah it's fun, but I maen, life gets so monotonous. What's the point? I'm searching for the bigger picture here, AND having fun at the same time. So if for any reason (which I know they don't because they don't give a rat's ass, to be totally honest) Jess, Maxi, Lena, Alan, Jared, Todd and anyone else who knows me from around is reading this...please kindly fudge off or try to actually enjoy something other than liver damage.

And my parents are alive, so please stop bitching me out about how they're dead. I'm not in denial and you're ignorant. So shut up. Please and thank you.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The truth is out there. Trust no one. I want to believe; the truth is something you never guess - never would have imagined.

Everything happens for a reason. The truth will be revealed. Lost is found. Destiny calls.

Ask. Imagine. Investigate. Seek answers, imagine the impossibilities.

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Every Intersection is an X.

Title says it all.

I like maps. My old room - map when I needed to locate TLG after I moved to Canada.


BAM! The Cat Photo is CRACKED!

WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAN! Orph got the emails associated with the cat as well as a few others associated with Lewis King Laboratories AG. Apparently not just a testing facility for pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

It turns out that some of the Operation Paperclip scientists were hooked up with some of their comrades back home who remained to work over there on their own experimental crap. Dr. G Albrecht of LKL in Germany has been corresponding back and forth with a Doctor Ava Thoreau in the US. Apparently running those experiments isn't limited to humans (MK-ULTRA type experiments). LSD and other drugs and tests are being applied to cats. "Kat" (the cat) is number 00298 of many animals being subjected to tests including alcohol in milk, electroshock, LSD and various drug tests, memory wipes, brainwashing, mind control, forced non-sleep, etc.

Ugh. I hope Widmore doesn't work with Dharma - or want to take over the island so he can run his own little experiments like that. What a tool.

Anyways, yeah. That's that. Jerks.


P.S. If you're not a cat person I guess it won't make a difference to you, lol

Photo Analysis

So we managed to get, what, two so far? Det. Ellis and the email about me and my "faith over science" crap. So all we know is that we're pretty much being exploited for our research. I have to find my parents and the detectives are solving this case while unknowingly aiding "T". Great. Pretty much everything I do is helping a douchebag.

I don't know how relevant the cat is yet. Kat the Cat apparently. I just think it's funny that Widmore or T or someone has a cat named Kat. Anyways, it's probably relevant somehow.

The stairwell...I don't know yet. It looks familiar and I see two figures on it. Can't see the faces though, so they're unknown right now. Probably taken at about the fourth floor would you say?

Also the TV/VCR.'s old school Magnasonic with antennaes...VCR is RCA? Looks like it's by a window with a heater on the be honest it looks like it's sitting ontop of a small fridge/freezer or whatever.

We'll get on the decryptions a little more soon I hope.


Frat Boy Hacker, LOL

Hahahahaha - Orpheus isn't the only hacker. I pulled a search on his computer through mine and pulled up an old college photo of him and his three friends - he is the one on the far left. The other three are unidentified; taken at a hackers convention.

The Photo WAS Mine...

W -

New problem. Shermen 815. Child researching Issue. Work with TLG and Metro. Allow or terminate?
U0126 all once complete? Public knowledge/awareness - stop. Follow&Trace.


So here's my take on this, I don't know about you. Widmore, probably, is W.
New problem seems to be me. My parents were on 815 and now I'm looking into the truth instead of accepting it like the other mindless drones. I'm working with TLG and the Po Pos from Metro PD. Seems like someone (T?) has Metro working for them too - and like me, we have no clue how they're getting the information we get. Of course, it could be anyone. Even an OWA mole. It comes down to if W will allow me to work with them or be 'terminated'.

I have to look into what U0126 is and why they're going to be implementing it. It doesn't sound good. Pretty sure they want this to stay quiet and between Ellis, Gibson, TLG and me. I think they're following us all. I call for security cams at all times. Too bad bearing a weapon is pretty much illegal here. I should move to Texas to defend myself.



RE: T -

She seems to have faith more than any science in her. It shouldn't drag our search down. Allow. Follow&Trace.


New Information Found

We have managed to decrypt an email that was attached to the images.

Dear Mr. Widmore,

I have been surveying the Metro PD records and the only officer that could prove to be an issue in regards to furthering our own investigations is Ellis. Please find a photograph attached for your convenience. His beliefs are not as rigid and science based as his partners, nor is he prone to "debunking" anything extraordinary, on the contrary, his work is most often centered around the paranormal. This, however, I feel will add a lot to helping us locate the Issue - since it does require a lot of abnormal research. If necessary we will U0126.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Orpheus Rising

Among our newest allies - a hacker and computer genius, Orpheus. He won't disclose his real name, even to us - therefore he's just Orpheus. I feel like I'm in the matrix or something. Anyways - there is a photo of him - among the only you'll pretty much ever find, he was sleeping at the time I think. This guy is 20x better than trainreq - the guy who hacked Miley Cyrus' stuff. That just makes me laugh.

Anyways, after working with him we managed to hack several email accounts and coded website files to get five photos and here they are:

Any analysis you can come up with at all would be terrific. We are getting somewhere I think - let me know what you find.



The answers to your questions will be found after your comments. Check the GOT KING post comments. :)



So there's a lot of Stephen King in his office - whose office?
Anything else random in this photograph? Other then the compass on the calendar, medical books, Oxi Clean, glasses, X Files box sets, and weird Arizona/Mexican pots.

Here's my plan. I will answer 3 questions for you about any person. Vincent, myself, Robert, Steve, Malcolm - pertty much anyone.

It's 3 questions a person per character. Ex. Agrillo can ask 3 questions about V.M. and then Island Wahine or Juju can ask their own 3 questions!

Hope to hear your questions soon!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trust No1

Ugh. Whoever put the "Field" in "Field Work" should die.

See title.

Field work is muddy, sweaty and gross. I never want to go digging in that much grossness again. I still have grass and dirt under my nails. If that weren't bad enough, Steve thinks he's going to find some kind of magnetic abnormalities or something by searching with a metal detector shaped thing. It's a Stud-Finder on a mop handle - but he thinks it works - if he finds something I'll bend over backwards and kiss my heels, I swear.

Anyways, after hours of dig, dig, digging we managed to find...nothing. We dug a small hole. And another small hole. Well - we found a couple old things that were kind of cool - old photos, wire, a few broken old chairs...nothing relevant I guess. We're heading back at some point in the future to check out the area again and see if we missed anything. Blah. Stupid field. I miss my computer when I leave it.

Whatever will I do without blogging and music? Nothing. That's what.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Watching Smallville :)

Watching Smallville - Brainiac is taking all of Chloe's memories. *BOOM*

Anyways - I felt the need to randomly post. Posty post post.

Aaaaaaaaaand end post.

EXPOSE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS...ok, well...kind of.

MK-ULTRA ... a brand of medicinal marijuana. Drugs were one of the ways that they controlled and experimented on the youth and adults of the MKULTRA experiment program. Children were blinded during the experiments and put in cages. See the Saturday, June 30, 2007 article on this page:

Following that - read the article about how even during the 21st century the CIA STILL tries to protect their horrible acts. Just like the X Files that every one insists is SO FICTITIOUS. Maybe there aren't little aliens running around Earth just yet...(or are there?) but there's a lot that we aren't being told.

Oh and Operation Paperclip? Welcome to reality my SciFi friends. Nazis in America. In a huge way. Like...a swastika shaped naval barrack way.

Speaking of field work and under cover mother truckers the X is here:


The Box in the center reads:
Unidentified white female between the age 8 and 10 years old. Subject underwent 6 months of treatment using heavy doses of LSD, electroshock and sensory deprivation. Experiments under codename: MKULTRA about early 60s. Subject’s memory was erased and her brain is that of a newborn baby.

Just a sample of some of the ridiculous mind-control and experiments that the government implements. In reality. This isn't an X File. It's true - and to be honest it ticks me off a little.

The point is, the MKULTRA experiments were usually reserved for adults. This photo connects MKULTRA and mind control to the Indian Lake Project and children kept at that military base. For more info check out

I swear some of the X Files people were aware of what was happening and tried to get the truth out through "fiction". I mean, how else can you explain the prediction of 9/11 through the Lone Gunman show a few months earlier than the real "accident"? Come on people. Think and use those brains the good Lord gave you.


Alien Embryos in the Garbage.

I think I found an Alien embryo in the garbage. Either that or it was an old Mandarin Orange. Ewwwww. Steve has to either eat the whole thing or throw it somewhere outside garbage. He's just too paranoid to go outside.

Unless it was an alien embryo. Then I wouldn't recommend eating it.

Of course, then I would have to ask why it's in the trash. Probably the same reason we have a Tim Hortons can full of Gummi Aliens. ...TLG are just weird.


The Indian Lake Triangle

Faster then a speeding bullet - it's the OWA FORUM!!! Anyways, since you guys are like super sleuth spies - my resources for the triangle are here. Use and abuse them if you wanna.

I haven't heard from Rob in a while, so don't take my evidence as 100% either, I don't really see him unless he's in the office, which is like, next to never. Normally 3 AM or something. In for an hour or so, runs a scan, internet check, posts and grabs some coffee.

So...three men disappeared. Triangle has 3 points. Ooh. Spooky.

So - random side note, does anyone else find the whole Brandon Crisp situation very very odd? I would love comments on that one because it seems a little ... not ... right. Personally I'm sticking with alien abduction. Falling on his chest from a tree looking totally OK with clean clothes in a field KIND OF near a tree line with a backpack on...I don't know, some stuff doesn't quite fit.


X Marks the Spot

Up goes the "X" - anyone know why? Masking tape X on the window - that's F.W.M's trick but we kind of stole it.

Everyone has their secrets. When we need help from our informants we "X" it up like F.W.M used to.

The only problem is we move around so much that our informants can never find us. So now we just put it up whenever we're doing some kind of field work, or need help with cases and conspiracies. At least I do.

This isn't the X you need to find our dig site though. Keep looking.
We'll keep you posted. I'm multitasking right now, switching it up between posts, blogs, minor hacking and running scans on missing persons through Canada and the US.

Here's hoping we don't all go MIA. It's times like this I'm glad I'm just the hacker, lackey and sidekick. I get to stay at HQ and eat junk, drink coffee and scan my life away. X Files episodes and police scanners, yeah - that's the life. Not running around trying to figure out who, what, when, where, why and how George, Jack and Fred all went AWOL.

Back to business - if you're in the area (but I can't tell you which area) and you see the tape X up on a window, call our landline and give us a hand.

Bring coffee and donuts. Rob likes Medium Regular and Canadian Maple from Timmies, I like Large Double Double with Chocolate Glazed donuts. Steve and Malcolm eat anything vaguely edible, so don't even worry about them. Tah friends, so long and thanks for all the fishes.


Michael Emerson = Cleo Ami Shermen!

YAY congratulations to Agrillo for figuring out that Cleo Ami Shermen is an Anagram of Michael Emerson, who was also the man in glasses of that photograph I posted. The second person is his friend Jimmy Aquino, in this photo as well.

Yeah, I guess Michael has always looked sketchy, but he's my favourite person on Lost, therefore my name comes from his. Maybe it will be relevant in the future or maybe it won't. I guess we'll see but for now, that's all folks! Yay!

No, I am not Michael Emerson in drag. Dear Lord, I hope I don't look like him...No offense, lol, I love him and all but God, I would never want to look like him. Mostly because of the fact that, you know...I'm a girl.

Ok, that's the fun stuff done, now onto business and finding Craphole Island.


Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Oh Carmen Sandiego - that's such an old school show, anyways, totally irrelevant. So...where in the world is the island? *POOF* and it's gone. I know where the clues are pointing but it really comes down to actually finding it. I mean, 815 went from Sydney to LA and vanished. Search parties went back and forth and never found it. Well..they said they did. That's BS. Maybe there's some kind of force field thing around it? Was that covered in the show? ...I can't remember, but I know it was a theory we all had...

Now...I know they found the Polar Bear in Tunisia...but does that mean it USED TO BE in Tunisia? Or it went BACK to Tunisia? ...I hate time, it confuses me to death...
That's the problem with this stupid island - time is fudged up. I mean, how long have they really been gone?? We'll see, but I mean, it's hard to find islands that are frickin like...interdimensional and crap. Force fielded and junk. Jeebus, why can't they just be on Gilligan's Island? It would make my lief so much easier, though I guess it would be considerably less interesting.

Here's hoping I can get my brain de-muddled and figure out exactly where and...WHAT this island is. Because it's so sci-fi it hurts my head. Plus working with the conspiracy theorists extraordinaire, Robbie, Steve-O and Malcolm isn't always helpful to my sanity. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but sometimes talking about Teletubbies subliminally messaging evil can get a little to "out there" for me.

Time to clean up the HQ.

P.S. At most HMVs X-Files is on sale for $19 a box set season. I got them all. I live off Pepsi and X Files, incase I haven't already mentioned that. Seriously.


Pez Backwards.

Pez backwards. Telekinesis. Hindle. Tommyknockers. Orpheus Descending. Bailout. Z. Rocks. Sunshine Days.
"A lie is most convincingly hidden between two truths."

ETA: Find the Truths between the lies - find the relevant words.

New Office Number!

TLG has a new number - 424.781.0381. So, you know - call it and stuff. Or don't. We're here if you need us. I'm going on a coffee run, but I'll brb to ttys about LOST, FOUND and other fun stuff.


I'm new to MYFACE, FACESPACE, FACEBOOK, whatever - Facebook, lol, that one.

ADD ME! I have no friends, haha Malcolm is away working, Steve-O is perma-fried or something and I'm waiting on fam and friends to add me. Rob's workin on it. Anyways, if anyone actually reads my blogs just do a search for Cleo Ami Shermen. Or look up the Lost Gunman group. Join the group and add me too! :)

Cool beans, talk to you later gators,


Haha - OK so a million points if you can name at least two people in this photo. Half a million if you can name just one. If you can get how this is a clue to solving my name - double points and love, hahahahaha.

I know. I'm retarded. Anyways, this is a clue, but I mean, it's not really relevant to anything except helping you get to know me. Once you analyse it you'll learn something new. Hint? You can probably only name two people - the other three are kind of sketch - but if you can only name one, odds are that's the one you need to get my name anagram. I'm sure you'll recognise someone in the photo. Though you're smarter than I give you credit Anyways, that's about all from this department. On to more important things.

I've decided to let you know a little something new about me everyday or week or post or whatever. So here's something. I like bright colours. Especially purple and blue-ish teal. TAH DAH! You know something new. I also hate the term "orphan". I'm not Annie. I'm an adult...kind of, but this isn't the 20th century anymore. Plus my parents aren't dead. Heads up to the stupid world out there - if you're looking for 'el numero uno government conspiracy', look no further than the 815 cover up. Bastards. No one can tell me my parents died because there are one too many flaws with that stupid cover up they tried to pull and if I need to work with Rob, Steve and Malcolm to figure out what's going on, then I will.

P.S. If you try to hack me I have a defensive program on my computer that will hook itself up to your hack programs and plug about a half a mill viruses into your computer. Yeah, I'm paranoid, but at least I warn you.



So what exactly is 9.498?

I'm getting Africa for the most part. But just for kicks and giggles I'm going to be retarded and see what else randomly pops up. Nothing kills me in a fun way like a little synchronicity, right? Meh...

So...Nigeria, near Kwoi? It's also Lorrie Belcher's fitness skills number at ... weird and completely useless.

Interstate 84 in Idaho is the first Wikipedia result to pop up for 9.498 and 9.498 is the "miles" in Payette County Idaho where the destination of 84 is US 30 West - Emmett, Plymouth.

9.498 was Miss New Hampshire's average in the Miss Teen USA competition before her finalist mark and prior to her winning the entire contest.

It was also Miss Espaillat's Evening Gown points number in the Miss Dominican Republic competition - she was first runner up I believe.

Also - the village of Vyšná Pisaná in Svidník District of the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia covers an area of 9.498km2.

Random factness is fun. Completely non-helpful I guess, but at 5 AM who can tell the difference between helpful and not? Rob maybe haha.

Talk to you soon and see you in February.'ll see me in February - but you know what I mean.


Welcome to Cleo and the Gunmen :)

OK, so maybe it's just Cleo here, but either way, welcome to my blog. I'm just up for anyone who wants to join my search for the Truth. So welcome to it. That's about all for now, since it's 3:30 AM and I'm getting a little tired. Yeah. That one. Cleo Shermen - OUT. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.